Our Amazon Wishlist is a living list of items most urgently needed by our clients. Items purchased via our Wish list on Amazon ship directly to our administrative offices! Gift cards are another way you can support those families currently being served by CAWC. Gift Cards offer great flexibility for families to go to dinner for special occasions, buy a special gift for a loved one, or purchase new clothing for a new year at school.
Unfortunately, CAWC does not have the capacity to do pick-up service. We are open for drop-off donations by appointment Monday-Friday, between 10AM and 4PM. If you wish to organize a wishlist or gift card drive for CAWC, please contact our Development Team at (773)489-9081 or development@cawc.org. Thank you!
While we appreciate each and every gift donated to CAWC, especially over the holiday season, monetary donations ensure that we have the capacity to fill the urgent needs of our clients as quickly as possible. A gift of $25 ensures that we can provide a weeks worth of diapers for a parent arriving at Greenhouse Shelter.
Donations can be dropped off or mailed to CAWC’s administrative offices at:
1116 N. Kedzie Ave., 5th Floor, Chicago, IL.
Please contact CAWC first to schedule your drop off: 773.489.9081 or email development@cawc.org.
- Diapers (especially sizes 4, 5, & 6)
- Pull ups (all sizes)
- Baby wipes
- Training cups and baby bottles (no BPA)
- Umbrella strollers
Art Supplies
- Art and craft sets
- Art supplies (paint, brushes, etc.)
- Jewelry making kits and/or supplies
- Sewing kits and/or supplies
- Journals
- New clothing for women, teens, children, and babies
- Toddler clothing (2t-5t) is especially necessary as mothers tend to leave an abuser and enter our emergency shelter while their children are still young
- New clothing for teen boys
- Socks (women, teens, children, babies)
- Underwear (women, teens, children, babies)
- Sports bras (S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL)
Gift Cards
Gift cards in all denominations are used throughout the year to provide basic needs for clients. Gift cards give the clients back some control – something that is often denied in abusive relationship. They empower the clients to buy their own essentials.
- Gift cards for clothing stores, grocery stores, quick restaurants, laundromats, pharmacy, salon/barbershops, Visa/Mastercard
- Activity gift cards such as movie passes, art/children’s museums, sporting event tickets, or passes for other individual, family, or child activities
- Weekly bus passes
- Body wash
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Hand sanitizer/hand soap
- Hand and body lotion
- Deodorant
- Hair products (including ethnic hair care products)
- Laundry detergent
- Toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss
- Hair Brushes
- Hair Dryers
- Curling Irons/Flat Irons
Household Items
- Pillows
- Blankets/Comforters
- Sheets (particularly twin sized)
- Towels and washcloths
- Cleaning supplies (brooms, dustpans, mops, etc)
- Can opener
- Blender
- Coffee makers
- Kitchen knives
- Irons
- Industrial Pots and Pans (for cooking bulk meals for shelter residents)
- Prepaid cellphones/phone service gift cards